Common misconceptions of Chiropractic Care

Here are some common misconceptions of Chiropractic Care:

1. Chiropractors only click or crack joints

We use a variety of treatment modalities: massage, mobilisation, exercise prescriptions, traction, dry needling, postural/ergonomic advice, stress management. We treat holistically and see everyone as an individual, so treatments are extremely varied and tailored to your personal preferences and needs.

2. Chiropractors only treat backs

We are trained to test and assess the mobility range of all joints in the body. We focus on checking the health of your skeletal, muscular and nervous systems. We see a variety of complaints from the feet, knees, hips, shoulder and neck and have been able to offer relief from pain and better joint mobility.

3. You must be in pain to seek treatment

Pain is often the main motivating factor to seek help and treatment from a professional. Thankfully we can offer a viable drug free alternative for pain relief. However, many people once they get the initial pain relief so tend to come for regular maintenance treatments as it can help prevent future flare ups. People often report feeling taller, stronger and lighter after a treatment, so their sense of health and well-being is enhanced.

4. It’s only for the young and active

Currently our youngest patient is aged 9 and our oldest is 92! As we can adapt our treatment style to suit everybody, any age can benefit.

5. It’s too expensive

We offer concession rates for those who aren’t in full time work. We charge the going local rate for Chiropractic care and our treatment times are longer than average.

6. The treatment is dangerous and painful

As primary health care providers we are trained to thoroughly screen all our new patients to ensure suitability. If we have any concerns, we will refer to an appropriate health care provider and or arrange for a private x-ray/ultrasound/MRI.

Hopefully we’ve cleared up a few misconceptions that we have heard. If you have any more questions about how Chiropractors work and how it may benefit you please call in to arrange a chat.


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